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Taiwan Music Dictionary by Dr. Hsueh, Chung Ming ( 薛宗明)

2009 Schedule:  
Nov. 4

Han Tang Yue Fu performed Han, SiJia Night Banquet on Nov. 4 at Joyce Theater 7:30PM, Nov. 5-7 8PM, Nov. 8 2PM and 7:30PM

漢唐樂府大戲 紐約驚艷
「韓熙載夜宴圖」是漢唐樂府2002年慶祝創團20周年的作品,相當具有代表意義。 演出時間4日晚7時30分、5至7日晚8時、8日下午2時及7時30分。 購票網址,洽詢電話 (212)242-0800。Joyce舞蹈劇院地址:曼哈坦8大道175號。

Oct. 05

The former Music Director of Youth Orchestra, CYCNY, Prof. Chao-Laing Chen (1935-2009) passed away on Monday, October 5, in Los Angeles. He was survived by his wife, Mrs.Mei-Yu Chen, his daughter, Chi-Yao and her family, his son Dennis and daughter-in-law 方念華 (TVBS) and their two sons.
Bio. of Prof. Chao-Laing Chen in our time

我們懷念的陳昭良老師 (1935-2009) 已於十月五日仙逝。

Oct. 19

皇后交響樂團第57季交響音樂會將於10月底至明年5月, 在皇后區表演藝術中心(Queens Borough Performing Arts Center)舉辦四場售票音樂會, 24日晚7時30分舉行的「新沙龍音樂」(The New Salon Music)會上, 將有今年5月「年輕獨奏家大賽」(Young Soloist Competition)得主Andrew Lowy表演單簧管獨奏。 演出前並有演講會,讓聽眾對音樂、作曲家與演奏家有更進一步了解。 樂團明年2月則與成立十年的古典樂團Musica Reginae合作,舉辦「回到飛翔之夢」 (Back to Dreams of Flying)的音樂會,為聽眾帶來悠揚的古典獨奏及交響樂曲。 每到仲夏在皇后區戶外公園所舉辦的音樂會,已成為皇后交響樂團近數10年的傳統, 明年仍會在7、8月的盛夏,以輕快的世界名曲讓民眾在戶外享受悠閒的音樂盛宴。

Sep. 12

Performance Segments submitted to NYSCA

Segment of Joseph Haydn Trumpet Concerto in E-Flat Major from Youth Orchestra on Vimeo.

Segment of Taiwanese Folksong - Farmer's Drinking Song from Youth Orchestra on Vimeo.

Aug. 12

Photos of YOC's performance at Lincoln Center 2009 taken by Sean Kuo (Elaine's Father)

Sep. 19

Youth Orchestra, CYCNY will run its new member auditing for 2009-10 on Saturday, September 20, 1:00 - 4:00PM at MS 158 (46-35 Oceania St., Bayside, NY 11361).

紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團今秋即將舉行 新團員甄試, 日期為 九月十九日 (週六) 下午1 時 至4 時, 假皇后區貝賽158 初中 (46-35 Oceania Street, Bayside, NY 11361) 舉行. 甄選 已具演奏管弦樂器經驗; 有興趣參加樂團; 並私下每週受該樂器個別課程指導之青少年. 年齡於11-18歲, 招考樂器(Instruments) 包括:
長笛(Flute),雙簧管(Oboe), 豎笛(Clarinet), 低音管(Bassoon), 小號(Trumpet), 法國號(Horn), 長號(Trombone) , 低音號(Tuba), 小提琴(Violin), 中提琴(Viola), 大提琴(Cello), 低音提琴(Double Bass), 豎琴(Harp), 打擊樂器(Percussion).等.

Aug. 12

駐台北文化中心「 Passport Fridays -Taiwan」系列活動 歡迎踴躍參加 !
皇后美術館 8月28日「Passport Fridays -Taiwan 」系列活動
紐約市皇后美術館第五屆「 Passport Fridays 2009」即將在8月28日晚上以 「Passport Fridays -Taiwan 」為主題,於皇后美術館舉行台灣舞蹈、 音樂演出及電影放映活動。
當晚邀請 「林坤暘舞蹈團」 (Kun-Yang Lin/Dancers)、 「少年才情組」 (Celadon Youth Ensemble)現場演出, 並放映「練習曲」(Island Etude) 電影影片,讓紐約地區夏日夜晚充滿濃濃的台灣味。

「 Passport Fridays -Taiwan」演出時間及地點
地點 :皇后美術館 (Queens Museum of Art)
New York City Building Flushing Meadows Corona Park Queens, NY 11368
時間 :8月28日6:30PM~10:00PM

駐紐約台北經文處台北文化中心 邱旭伶
電話(212)697-6188 Ext.4

Aug. 12

Adagio in Summer-- Chamber Music Concert

Chris Chung/ Cellist is going to play Piano Trio with Alice Chen/ Pianist, and Wei-Chung Chiang/ Violinist at TECO (Taipei Economic Cultural Office) on Wednesday, August 12, 12:30pm.
Program include, Schubert, Rachmaninoff, Faure, Schoenfield.... If you are around please stop by and support us.
Address: 1 East 42nd Street, New York
Admission:Free, no ticket requried

July 26, 29

Queens Symphony Orchestra
its 2009 Concerts on the Green - free summer parks series, under the musical direction of QSO Music Director/Conductor Constantine Kitsopoulos, on Sunday, July 26, 2009, at the George Seuffert Bandshell in Forest Park at 5 PM (our artistic summer home, Address: Woodhaven Boulevard and Forest Park Drive, Woodhaven, NY), and again on Wednesday, July 29, 2009, at 7 PM at St. John's University's Great Lawn in Jamaica, Queens (Address: 8000 Utopia Parkway Jamaica, NY 11432-1335).

已服務社區達57年之皇后交響樂團(Queens Symphony Orchestra) 今夏舉辦兩場免費 ‘ 露天音樂會'
第一場於七月二十六日 (週日) 下午五時假木港森林公園戶外音樂台(Forest Park Bandshell   地址:Woodhaven Boulevard and Forest Park Drive, Woodhaven, NY) 舉行. 森林公園主要入口處位於森林小丘 (Forest Hills) 的木港大道(Woodhaven Blvd.) 和森林公園弄巷 (Forest Park Drive) 交角.
第二場於七月二十九日( 週三) 晚間七時假皇后區牙買加皇后區聖約翰大學校園草地舉行 (St. John’s University’s Great Lawn) 地址:8000 Utopia Parkway Jamaica, NY 11432-1335.

June 07
Photos taken by Sean Kuo (Elaine's Father) 1 2 3

Press Review 1
Press Review 2

IIF & CYCNY Photos


YOC on Lincoln Center Web

YOUTH ORCHESTRA, CYCNY Presents 2009 Annual Concert at Lincoln Center
SUNDAY, JUNE 7 at 3 PM, 2009
(Broadway and 66th Street, New York, NY)
TICKETS: $50, $40, $30
(20% Off for Students & Seniors )
AVAILABLE AT: Alice Tully Hall Box Office 212.875.5050
Center Charge 212.721.6500
INFO: 718.834.8904 Patsy Chen

紐 約 幼 獅 青 少 年 管 弦 樂 團   2009 林肯中心年度音樂會
SUNDAY, JUNE 7 at 3 PM, 2009
票價 : $50, $40, $30 (學生與年長者八折)
售票處 :Alice Tully Hall Box Office 212.875.5050
Center Charge 212.721.6500
洽詢專線: 718.834.8904 Patsy Chen

May 9

Queens Symphony Orchestra
Spiritual Journey
part of the Masterworks Concert Series Bernstein & Friends

Constantine Kitsopoulos, Music Director/Conductor
Members of the Newark Boys Chorus, Soloists
Combined Concert Choirs of Central Islip, Bayside & Francis Lewis High Schools
Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 7:30 pm
New! Pre-Concert Lecture Series at 6:30 pm
Queensborough Performing Arts Center
(56th Avenue & Springfield Blvd., Bayside)
debut recital at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Piano & Percussion: An Evening of Chamber Music Friday, May 1st, 2009 at 8:00pm.

皇后交響樂團(Queens Symphony Orchestra) 本季(2008-09)第五十六年 三場經典音樂會系列「伯恩斯坦與樂友」 ( Bernstein and Friends), 特別為 "紀念美國作曲家伯恩斯坦九十歲冥誕" 策劃演出 . 其第三場 " 聖歌之旅" 音樂會, 將五月九日 (週六) 晚間七時三十分, 假貝賽皇后社區學院藝術表演中心舉行.
地址為: Queensborough Community College Performing Arts Center
地址:222-05 56th Avenue & Springfield Blvd., Bayside, NY.

May 1

The North American Alumni of Taipei National University of the Arts will present their debut recital at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Piano & Percussion: An Evening of Chamber Music Friday, May 1st, 2009 at 8:00pm.

留學生步步為營,走上卡內基 在台灣土生土長的音樂留學生,在美國異鄉辛苦奮鬥、自立耕生,闖出個自的一片天。這群音樂家,皆畢業於台灣國 立台北藝術大學,主修鋼琴、打擊樂、指揮。
他們將於5月1日晚間 8 時 在紐約市的卡內基音樂廳中之懷爾演奏廳 (Weill Recital Hall) ,舉辦雙鋼琴與打擊樂的聯合音樂會

Apr. 07

On the letter of New York City Opera Vox asking for donation, Mr. Y. Sharon using Justine's quote in the center of the letter.

Apr. 19

Chia Found Music Workshop is coming to perform in NY.
Sunday, April 19, 3pm
Queens Theatre in the Park
Claire Shulman Playhouse / Main Stage
Flushing Meadows Corona Park
Corona, NY 11368
Tel: 718-760-0064
Price: $25(Regular); $23(Senior);
$20(Group above 8); $15(Students)

The Chai Found Music Worshop from Taiwan
Silk and Bamboo : A Musical Journey to Taiwan

Mar. 29

The Special Presentation Winners Series
Sunday, MArch 29, 2009 at 5:30PM
Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall
Kevin Shue, Violinist
Gloria Shih, Pianist
Artists International Takes pleasure in presenting as the Recipient of a Special Presentation Award, Kevin SHue, in his New York Recital Debut.

Mar. 24

A great and supportive friend of Asian and Chinese community, Heidi Harrison Chain, would like to reach the Mandarin media and community for her upcoming election for the 29th District City Council Woman in Forest Hills. Please help her to send this news release of her website launch for her campaign.

Feb. 21
Poster Font
Poster back

Join Queens Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Constantine Kitsopoulos on Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 7:30 pm for the second concert in our Masterworks Concert Series Bernstein & Friends, entitled New Sounds. This event will be held at our artistic home, QPAC (Queensborough Performing Arts Center) in Bayside.
(56th Avenue & Springfield Blvd., Bayside)

皇后交響樂團 (Queens Symphony Orchestra) 本季(2008-09)第五十六年 三場經典音樂會系列 「伯恩斯坦與樂友」 ( Berstein and Friends),特別為 “紀念美國作曲家伯恩 斯坦九十歲冥誕” 策劃演出 . 其第二場 “ 新樂聲 (New Sound) 音樂會 ” , 將於二月二十一日 (週六) 晚間七時三十分, 假貝賽皇后社區學院藝術表演中心 舉行. 地址為: Queensborough Community College Performing Arts Center 地址:222-05 56th Avenue & Springfield Blvd., Bayside, NY.

Jan. 30

"Meet ChthoniC vocalist Freddy Lin" will be held in Taiwan Center @7:30PM on 1/30/2009.

Jan. 24

1, QSO is searching for young local talent here in Queens to perform in our Spring Masterworks Concert!!

2, Queens Symphony Orchestra Announces the return of our Young Soloist Competition
Final Round Sunday, May 31, 2009 – 4:00 pm
Taiwan Center, Flushing

1, 皇后交響樂團 甄試男童女高音
錄取者將於五月九日假皇后社區學院藝術表演中心與皇后交響樂團演奏美國作曲家伯恩斯坦的合唱交響曲 “齊徹斯特詩篇 (Leonard Berstein’s Chicester Psalms) “ 擔任獨唱.

2, 皇后交響樂團青少年協奏曲比賽 - 2/9/09以前報名
決賽訂在五月三十一日下午四時假法拉盛台灣會館(Taiwan Center)公開舉行

Jan. 10

Justine Chen's commissioned new song "Cleopatra Sings" will be sung by Elizabeth Futral, soprano on Saturday, Jan 10, 4-5pm at Miller Theater of Columbia University, 116th St and Broadway

  ------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
2009 Schedule  
2008 Schedule  
2007 Schedule  
2006 Schedule  
2005 Schedule  
2004 Schedule  
2003 Schedule  
2002 Schedule  
2001 Schedule  
2000 Schedule  
1999 Schedule  
1998 Schedule  
1997-1998 Schedule  
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