the 57th Season Celebration Gala of Queens Symphony Orchestra | |
Dear All: You are cordially invited to attend the 57th Season Celebration Gala of Queens Symphony Orchestra Honoring John C. Liu, New York City Comptroller (Former QSO Board Director) on Saturday, May 8, 6:30-11:30 pm at Terrace on the Park Cocktail Reception: 6:30 pm Dinner and Dancing: 7:30 pm Open Bar , Black-Tie optional with Live Jazz Band and Broadway Stars Conducted by Maestro Constantine Kitsopoulos Ticket Prices: $125 "Early Bird" (order before April 9th) $175 Symphony Ticket $250 Premium Ticket (premium seating)
表揚現任紐約市主計長劉醇逸 (劉主計長曾經擔任本樂團理事)
地點: 法拉盛草原/可樂娜公園餐廳 Terrence on the Park 5211 111th St. Corona, NY 11368 T.718-592-5000
雞尾酒會 (任喝的open bar) 六時三十分 正餐與跳舞 七時三十分 特邀百老匯明星主唱 由該樂團音樂總監康斯坦丁. 柯蘇普樂斯 帶領現場爵士樂隊伴奏 讓舞迷們整晚痛快跳舞 尚包括 紙上競標(Silent Auction) 與彩劵抽獎ˊ 票價: $125 (四月九日以前提早購買普通票優待價) $175 普通票 $250 高價票 (位置較佳) 另出版慶典特刊 歡迎個人,公司,行號,集團 登刊賀詞或廣告 英文資料如下請下載 訊問或購票請洽: 皇后交響樂團 718-326-4455 ext, 18 或亞裔理事方秀蓉(Patsy Chen) 718-834-8904/917-912-8288
Patsy Fang Chen
CP 917-912-8288
T. 718-834-8904