Patsy Fang Chen
175 Willoughby
St. #2A, Brooklyn, NY 11201
T. 718-834-8904
青年中提琴家林維洋(Wei-Yang Andy Lin),贏得石溪大學2009 年協奏曲比賽冠軍. 將於二月二十七日(週六) 晚間八時,假石溪大學Staller Center Main
Stage與 長島石溪交響樂團(Stony Brook
Symphony Orchestra)演奏華爾頓中提琴協奏曲 (Walton/ Viola
Concerto) 擔任獨奏. 當天演出曲目尚有: 杜克斯/ 閃耀 –世界首演 (Dukes/Glance (world premiere); 孟得爾松第五交響曲”宗教改革” ((Mendelssohn/Symphony No.5 “Reformation”). 票價: 普通票 $20, 學生, 兒童與年長者 $10. 購票請洽631-632-ARTS.
林維洋(Wei-Yang Andy Lin)
A Message from
Wei-Yang Andy Lin
Winning the 2009 Stony Brook Concerto Competition, I get to play the Walton
Viola Concerto with the Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra at Stony Brook
University Staller Center Main Stage.
I know it's quite a travel to go all the way there for a concert for many of
you. But if you happen to go take a short vacation or a trip to Long Island on
a Saturday night, you should definitely come to the concert!
Please come support me both mentally and physically! It will be really great to
see a lot of you there!!!
The program includes:
Dukes, Glance (world premiere);
Walton, Viola Concerto;
Mendelssohn, Symphony No.5 (“Reformation”).
Tickets can be purchased and reserved by phone: call 631-632-ARTS
$20 Adults/$10 Students, Children and Seniors.