方秀蓉Patsy Fang Chen

175 Willoughby Street, #2A Brooklyn, New York 11201-5447

Tel. 718-834-8904 CP 917-912-8288 E-mail: patsychen@aol.com




林維洋  兩場音樂會 (新聞稿)






十七日林肯中心艾弗里 費雪廳擔任獨奏家



News Release

 Contact: Patsy Fang Chen (718-834-8904)


Upcoming two concerts of Wei-Yang Andy Lin, violinist







Taiwanese young violist Wei-Yang Andy Lin is the winner of 2008 Juilliard Viola Concerto Competition, he will perform  Pendereckia’s Concerto per Viola.

with Juilliard Orchestra under the conducting of Stefan Sandering at Avery Fisher Hall on  Thursday, April 17, 8pm. The program will also include  Stravinskly’s  The  Firebird,.  Tickets are $20 & $10 at the box office and CenterCharge (212) 721-6500. Free tickets for students and seniors are available only at the box office.




Wen-Yang Andy Lin will also perform a viola recital on Saturday, April 19, 8:30pm at Paul Recital Hall at the Juilliard School (60 Lincoln Center Plaza, 65th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam), with pianist Yi-Fang Huang. The concert is free admission and open to the public with no ticket required.


For Information: 718-934-8904/Patsy Fang Chen















           Wei-Yang Andy Lin, Viola

      Wei-Yang Andy Lin, violist, born in Kao-Hsiung, Taiwan, is currently a full-scholarship 2nd year Master’s Degree student at the Juilliard School studying with Hsin-Yun Huang.  He came to the U.S. in 1997 to attend Idyllwild Arts Academy and studied with Donald McInnes.


  He has won numerous competitions including the Tainan County and City competitions, Kao-Hsiung City Gun-Du-Bae Competition, Taiwanese National Viola Competition, the Idyllwild Concerto Competition, and currently won the Top Prize in the Juilliard Viola Concerto Competition, and will have his Avery Fisher solo debut with Juilliard Orchestra on 4/17/2008.  Mr. Lin has been a member of the LDX String Quartet, appearing on NPR’s “From the Top” radio broadcast; Kafka Piano Quintet, appearing at New York’s Taiwan Center and New Chinese Television; the Rimbaud String Quartet, with whom he was awarded a fellowship to attend the Aspen Music Festival; the Asiana Ensemble, and currently was appeared on the Columbia Broadcast “Sound of China”.  Mr. Lin has served as a principle violist in the Idyllwild Arts Chamber Orchestra, Ureuk Symphony, and the Juilliard Orchestra.  He also had the privilege to perform for the President of the United States, Bill Clinton and the President of Taiwan, Ten-Hui Lee.  He has been invited to play and perform chamber music with Itzhak Perlman at Manhattan Synagogue, Princeton University, Jazz at Lincoln Center, and The Metropolitan Museum.


He has performed in Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, Alice Tully Hall, Juilliard Paul Hall and Morse Hall, Juilliard Theater, Merkin Hall, Kennedy Center in Washington, Whitaker Center in Pennsylvania, CUNY Graduate Center, Greenfield Hall in Manhattan, Mannes Concert Hall, Los Angeles Music Center, New York Taiwan Center, Queens College Concert Hall, and Tainan Cultural Center in Taiwan.


He has been a part of several Music Festivals which includes Bowdoin Summer Festival, Aspen Summer Music Festival, Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, Music at Menlo, and The Perlman Chamber Music Workshop.  Throughout his musical study, he has studied chamber music with Earl Carlyss, Warren Jones, Cathleen Winkler, Timothy Eddy, Jerome Lowenthal, Joel Sachs, Itzhak Perlman, Donald Weilerstein, Merry Peckham, Andre Emelianoff, Seymour Lipkin, the Juilliard String Quartet, the Guarneri String Quartet, and the Emerson String Quartet.  He has studied solo with Donald McInnes, Roger Myers, Victoria Chang, John Graham, Michael Tree, Toby Appel, and currently with Hsin-Yun Huang at the Juilliard School.  He will be giving his graduation recital on 4/19/2008, Saturday at 8:30pm in Juilliard Paul Hall.







台灣出生的中提琴手 林維洋 贏得茱麗亞音樂學院2008年度

中提琴協奏曲比賽冠軍, 將於四月十七日 ( 週四) 晚間八時 假林肯中心 艾弗里 費雪廳  ( Avery Fisher Hall)   與茱麗亞交響樂團演出 潘德列茨基中提琴協奏曲( Penderecki: Concerto per Viola.)擔任獨奏者,  由名指揮家史蒂芬·桑德林(Stefan Sanderling) 客席指揮.其他曲目尚有史特拉溫斯基:火鳥(Stravinsky: The Firebird).   票價$20 $10,  購票請洽: 艾弗里 費雪廳票亭或 CenterCharge 212-721-6500, 學生與年長者可於票亭領取免費門票.


同週, 另一場 林維洋 中提琴碩士畢業演奏會, 將於四月十九日週六) 晚間八時半, 假茱麗亞音樂學院保羅演奏廳 (Paul Recital Hall at the Juilliard, 60 Lincoln Center Plaza) 舉行, 黃亦芳擔任鋼琴伴奏 免費入場, 勿需門票. 訊問: 718-834-8904 方秀蓉




中提琴家 林維洋 簡介

 1984年出生於台灣高雄,現以全額獎學金就讀於美國紐約茱利亞音樂院碩士班,師事黃心芸。於台灣就讀小學、中學,1997年赴美愛德華國際藝術高中,師事Pro. Donald McInnes

   林維洋在台美兩地皆獲得多項音樂獎項,包含台南縣市音樂比賽、高雄市「港都杯」音樂比賽、台灣區音樂比賽、Idyllwild協奏曲比賽以及2008年茱莉亞中提琴協奏曲大賽,更因此與茱莉亞管絃樂團由著名德國指揮家Stefan Sanderling於紐約費雪廳合奏協奏曲演出。除各項比賽之外,他所屬之各團體更活躍於其他音樂活動,LDX弦樂四重奏,曾在NPR 的廣播節目“From the Top” 中演出Kafka 鋼琴五重奏受邀於紐約在台會館及新唐人電視台上演出Rimbaud 弦樂四重奏更獲獎學金參與 Aspen音樂節。 在樂團活動上,曾擔任愛德華藝術高中管絃樂團、Ureuk管絃樂團、以及茱莉亞音樂學院管絃樂團之中提琴首席。此外,林維洋亦曾榮幸受邀於美國總統柯林頓及台灣前總統李登輝先生面前演出。2007年,林維洋精湛的演出技巧更受到本世紀最著名小提琴家帕爾曼(Itzhak Perlman)欣賞,邀請他於普崊斯頓大學、林肯中心爵士廳以及紐約大都會博物館同台演出重奏。

他的演出更遍及美國紐約卡內基音樂廳、紐約愛樂費雪廳、愛麗絲特莉廳、茱莉亞音樂學院Paul Hall以及Morse Hall、茱莉亞Peter Jay Sharp TheaterMerkin Hall、華盛頓康迺迪中心、賓州Whitaker CenterCUNY Graduate Center、曼哈頓音樂學院Greenfield Hall、曼尼士音樂學院表演廳、洛杉磯音樂中心、紐約台灣會館、皇后區大學表演廳以及台南縣市文化中心

頻繁地演出活動外,林維洋更積極參與Bowdoin音樂營、Aspen音樂營、Santa BarbaraMusic Academy of the West、帕爾曼音樂營、以及Music@Menlo等音樂節做自我進修。在室內樂方面,曾師事Earl CarlyssWarren JonesCathleen WinklerTimothy EddyJerome LowenthalJoel SachsArnold SteinhardtAndre EmelianoffSeymour LipkinLewis Kaplan。在中提琴演奏上曾師事 Donald McInnes, Roger Myers, Victoria Chang, John Graham, Michael TreeToby Appel,目前與黃心芸教授於茱莉亞學習








Taipei Cultural Center of TECO in New York






來自台灣的林維洋(Andy Lin),在多位國際頂尖中提琴好手激烈競爭中脫穎而出,贏得茱莉亞音樂院中提琴協奏曲大賽首獎,23歲的他將於417日與茱莉亞管絃樂團在林肯中心費雪廳演出,獨奏當代名作曲家Penderecki之中提琴協奏曲,該演出亦邀請到知名德國指揮家Stefan Sanderling擔任客座指揮


林維洋出生於台灣台南市,從小學習鋼琴及小提琴,1997年隻身赴美就讀中學,研習音樂及中提琴,之後以優異成績獲得紐約茱莉亞音樂學院全額獎學金進入大學部深造,目前仍是該學院碩士班學生。他曾受業於多位著名中提琴演奏家 Donald McInnesMichael TreeToby Appel以及黃心芸等人,並曾擔任愛德華藝術高中管絃樂團、Ureuk樂團和茱莉亞管絃樂團之中提琴首席。他所屬之室內樂團更是活躍於各類音樂活動,如LDX弦樂四重奏曾在NPR 的廣播節目“From the Top”中演出;Kafka 鋼琴五重奏曾受邀於紐約台灣會館及新唐人電視台演出,亦曾受邀於美國前總統柯林頓及台灣前總統李登輝先生面前表演。


2007年,林維洋精湛演出技巧受到本世紀最著名小提家Itzhak Perlman之肯定與欣賞,多次邀請他於普林斯頓大學、林肯中心爵士廳以及大都會博物館等地同台演出重奏。今年初,林維洋再以優異琴藝奪得茱莉亞音樂院中提琴協奏曲大賽首獎,將為其未來演奏生涯展開更為燦爛的歷史新頁。



Thursday, April 17th, 2008 at 8pm

Avery Fisher Hall

Tickets available after March 13 at the Avery Fisher Hall Box Office, $20 & $10
Center Charge: (212) 721-6500
Free tickets for students and seniors available only at the Juilliard Box Office.