方秀蓉/Patsy Fang Chen

175 Willoughby Street, #2A Brooklyn, New York 11201-5447

Tel. 718-834-8904  E-mail: patsychen@aol.com






皇后區道格拉斯 頓第一週日室內樂音樂 會系列 (新聞稿)


已進入第六年之 皇后區道格拉斯頓第一週 日音樂會系列(Douglaston First Sunday Concerts), 為皇后區東北部最好的室 內樂演奏會¸ 其場所合適 於一至 三, 五位藝術家表達心聲之環境和聽眾熱情反應之氣氛,深深地吸引了許 多酷愛演奏室內樂的傑出 音樂家們參與演出陣容. 2007-08 共五場之第一週日音 樂會系列, 日期紛別為: 十月七日, 十二月二日, 二月三日, 三月二日 及 四月六日.

首場音樂會推出卡瓦提那 鋼琴三重奏 ( Cavatina Trio)” 精彩演出,  其三位演奏家分別為 Ieva Jokubaviciute/ 鋼琴 , Harumi Rhodes /小提琴 , Priscilla/  大提琴 .

 將於十月七日(週日) 四時舉行, 地點為道格拉斯頓社區教堂(the Community Church of Douglaston: 39-50 Douglaston Parkway Douglaston, NY 11363 T. 718- 229-2169) 免費停車,  僅兩條街至長島鐵路格拉斯頓站(Long Island Rail Road –Douglaston Station) ¸  30  分鐘至中城賓州火車站 (Penn Station) ¸具備方便輪椅人士. 單場票價 成人 $25, 年長者 $20,學生 $5. 凡購五場音樂會系列之成人與年長者, 以四場票價優待. 訊問718-454-7181 李媛姿, 718-834-8904方秀蓉.






Douglaston Concerts

6th Anniversary Season

Begins on Sunday, October 7, 2007

Douglaston Concerts First Sunday series, 6th Anniversary Season begins on Sunday, October 7, 2007 with the finest chamber music in northeast Queens.

Douglaston Concerts First Concerts First Sunday Series continues to attract outstanding performers who love the true chamber music ambience of the Parlor and the enthusiasm of our audience.

The Trio Cavatina, featuring Harumi Rhodes on Violin, will begin the new season. This year, the First Sunday Series includes the recent winner of the 2007 Bradshaw-Buono International Piano competition, David Berry, performing in December. In February 2008, we return with the Eri Yamamoto Jazz Trio, followed by string sensation Adam Tully, performing in March on guitar and mandolin. The season will close with a special performance by La Sonorite, featuring flutist Kenneth Chia and oboist Shirley Chang, including a work by Douglaston Composer James Cohn.

For the sixth straight year, we are maintaining our audience friendly prices, so join us for the beginning of our exciting season of Douglaston Concerts First Sunday Series. Remember, subscribers get all 5 concerts for the price of 4, that’s just a deal you can’t beat!

Single tickets are $25; $20 for seniors and $5 for all students.

All concerts take place at the Community Church of Douglaston on the first Sunday of the month and begin at 4:00PM. Parking is available in the lot behind the church. Community Church is 2 blocks from the Long Island Railroad Douglaston, 30 minutes from Penn Station. The church is wheelchair accessible.

Douglaston Concerts

At the Community Church of Douglaston

39-50 Douglaston Parkway

Douglaston, NY 11363

(718) 229-2169