方秀蓉/Patsy Fang Chen,

175 Willoughby Street, #2A Brooklyn, New York 11201-5447

Tel. 718-834-8904 CP 917-912-8288 E-mail: patsychen@aol.com






皇后交響樂團來自遠方的敘述音樂會  新聞稿

Queens Symphony Orchestra presents   Tales from Far Away Lands



本季邁入第五十四年 之皇后交響樂團(Queens Symphony Orchestra) 為紐約市皇后區惟一由 職業音樂家演出之交響 樂團 . 將於五月十二日 (週六 ) 晚間七時 , 假貝賽皇后社區學院藝術表演中心 (Queensborough Community College Performing Arts Center at 222-05 56th Avenue & Springfield Blvd., Bayside, NY), 推出母親節前夕 來自遠方的 敘述 音樂會. 演出義大利 , 蘇俄 , 澳門作曲家作品. 將由該樂團新任音樂總監 康斯坦丁 柯蘇普樂斯 (Constantine Kitsopoulo)  指揮





雷斯畢基:三幅包悌伽利之畫 (Ottorino Respighi: Trittico Botticelliano)

林品晶:澳門懷思 ( Bun Ching Lam: Saudades de Macao)

普契尼: 蝴蝶夫人歌劇間奏曲 Giacomo Puccini: Intermezzo from “Madame  Butterfly”)

林姆司基高沙可夫: 金雞組曲 (Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakoff: Suite fromThe Golden Cockerel”)

美藉亞裔作曲家林品晶 (Bun-Ching Lam,出生於澳門,七歲開始學習鋼琴,十五歲首次公開演奏。1976香港中文大學音樂系畢業。後赴聖地牙哥加利福尼亞大學進修,1981博士學位。此後至1986康沃爾藝術學院任教。1991羅馬獎。目前獨立發展,同時任多家院校客席教授及特約作曲家。2005回到澳門演出。現來往於紐約巴黎之間。

皇后交響樂團  自兩年前起, 開始選拔其新任音樂總監,    甄選委員會, 由一百多位候選人選中希臘裔美籍指揮家柯蘇普樂斯 .以其 任職百老匯 Baz Lurhmann所製作, 法國作曲家普契尼之歌劇“波西米亞人 (Le Boheme) 音樂總監及主要指揮 而炮紅國際舞台. 亦曾指揮 香港市立歌劇院(Hong Kong Municipal Opera), 新澤西州交響樂團(New Jersey Symphony),  底特律交響樂團(Detroit Symphony), 麥迪生交響樂團(Madison Symphony), 安那玻里斯(Annapolis Symphony), 卡加利愛樂管弦樂團(Calgary Philharmonic­­), 紐約 狄卡波歌劇院 (Dicapo Opera Theatre). 柯蘇普樂斯亦為大都會希臘合唱團(The Metropolitan Greek Chorale)  藝術總監.


此母親節音樂會將於現場舉行幸運聽眾摸彩,獲獎者將贏得由 1-800 Mattress捐贈的席依麗名豪華床墊( Sealy Radcliffborough Plush Set).



票價:成人$25 及 $20, 年長者與學生$18.50, 十二歲以下兒童$10, 團體票十位以上八折優待.


請洽:皇后交響樂團 718-326-4455 Ex 20 www.queenssymphony.org,   或亞裔理事方秀蓉:718-834-8904



 附件中計有英文新聞稿與小海報 ,歡迎索取招待媒體入場票.









World-class music for the international community of Queens



Kate Oberjat                                                                                              718-326-4455, ext. 19

Marketing & Communications Manager                                      koberjat@queenssymphony.org


April 2007

F O R     I M M E D I A T E    R E L E A S E


Queens Symphony Orchestra



Tales from Far Away Lands

part of the Masterworks Concert Series



Constantine Kitsopoulos, Music Director/Conductor



Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 7 pm

Queensborough Community College Performing Arts Center

(56th Avenue & Springfield Blvd., Bayside)



Be transported to the Orient, Italy, and Russia this Mother’s Day Weekend while listening to Tales from Far Away Lands, conducted by our new Music Director Constantine Kitsopoulos. This international evening will include Ottorino Respighi’s Trittico Botticelliano, Bun Ching Lam’s Saudades de Macao, Giacomo Puccini’s moving Intermezzo from “Madame Butterfly,” and Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakoff’s Suite from “The Golden Cockerel.” This amazing combination of cultures and musical styles is sure to create a memorable concert experience for you and your loved ones.


As an added bonus, each full price ticket buyer is entered in a raffle that evening to win the Sealy Radcliffborough Plush Set courtesy of 1-800-MATTRESS. This luxurious plush mattress made by the #1 manufacturer of bedding in the world – Sealy – is a supportive sleep system containing 782 orthopedically designed coils. This prize is sure to give anyone a great night’s sleep! (winner to be chosen & announced at concert – must be present to win)


Maestro Constantine Kitsopoulos, in his inaugural season as QSO Music Director, is only the third Music Director in the Queens Symphony’s 54-year history. He previously held posts as Music Director with Les Miserables and Dracula on Broadway.  He has conducted classically throughout the United States and internationally, including the Hong Kong Municipal Opera, Detroit Symphony, New Jersey Symphony, Madison


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Pg. 2    QSO’s Tales from Far Away Lands


Symphony, Annapolis Symphony, Calgary Philharmonic, and Dicapo Opera Theatre.  He

is the Artistic Director of the Metropolitan Greek Chorale and recently founded the Chatham Opera Company.  As Music Director and Principal Conductor of Baz Lurhmann’s Broadway production of Puccini’s La Boheme, The Oakland Tribune stated: “…but the star of this lively version of Puccini’s opera, at least to a classical music

lover, is conductor Constantine Kitsopoulos.” He will return to Broadway this spring as musical director and conductor of the premiere of Coram Boy. QSO is delighted to have Maestro Kitsopoulos at the baton.  For additional information on our new Music Director, please visit his website at www.kitsopoulos.com.


Now in its 54th season as the only professional orchestra in Queens, QSO continues its mission of bringing the best in classical, chamber, pops, and arts-in-education to the residents of this international borough.  For further information about QSO and its programs, please visit www.queenssymphony.org.


Ticket prices: Adults $25 (orchestra) / $20 (balcony); Students/Seniors $18.50; Children (12 & under) $10; Groups of 10 or more: 20% off.  Concert tickets can be purchased in advance by calling the QSO office at 718-326-4455, ext. 20.


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