大紐約區台灣同鄉會 及台灣人公共事務會紐約分會


228 紀念活動 " 為台灣而跑 " 開幕典禮  費城自由鐘 巴士旅遊


Bus Tour to 228 –60th Commemoration "MARCH FOR
TAIWAN" Kick-Off Ceremony at Liberty Bell in Philadelphia
Saturday, 2/24 at 8:30 am from Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel in Flushing, and will be back in the evening of the same day.


2 24 巴士 TO 費城自由鐘


費用: 每位$50 包括(including):

1.  巴士紐約 - 費城來回Round-trip bus form Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel on Saturday, February 24at 8pm to Philadelphia Independent Hall/Liberty Bell, Art Museum.

2. 午餐lunch

3, 晚餐Dinner ($25 Dinner at Restaurant in Chinatown 費城台灣同鄉會 慶祝農曆新年)


Please contact:: 林炎誠718-445-7007,林秀合718-454-0855. 林雅玲718-565-9164 方秀蓉718-834-8904, Anita Lin 718-228-8278

Limited seats on the bus please register ASAP