方秀蓉 /Patsy Fang Chen

175 Willoughby Street, #2A Brooklyn, New York 11201-5447

Tel. 718-834-8904 CP 917-912-8288

E-mail: patsychen@aol.com






十月三十  (週日)下午六時(新聞稿)



紐約幼青交響樂團( Childrens Orchestra Society) 將由其指導教師 華裔雙簧管家張皓欣 (Shirley Chang) , 長笛家謝德堅 (Kenneth Chia)  及韓裔鋼琴家 Hyunmee Lee, 於 十月三十   ('週日) 下午六時 假法拉盛圖書館舉行室內樂音樂會 .

曲目全為二十世紀羅曼蒂克古典室內樂, 包括: Paul Dukas, Jindrich Feld, Alberto Ginastera, Leo Delibes, Jean Michel Damase, Madeline Dring  等多位重量級現代作曲家之作品.以二重奏與三重奏型式演出 . 免費入場,歡迎僑胞出席欣賞.法拉盛圖書館 電話 : 718-661-1200 網趾:www.Queenlibrary.org. 


雙簧管家張皓欣(Shirley Chang): 

約翰霍普金斯大學(The Johns Hopkins University)社會學 琵琶弟(Peabody Conservatory)音樂學士學位, 並於卡內基美隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)取得音樂碩士, 和該校研究獎學金,而受教於匹茲堡交響樂團雙簧管首席Cynthia DeAlmeida指導. 2003年曾擔任俄亥俄州輕 歌劇院 (The Ohio Light Opera) 雙簧管首席 , 2004 年參與匹茲堡歌劇 劇院 (Pittsburgh Opera Theater) 製作美國作曲家Nathan Davis爵士歌劇 “Just Above My Head世界首演. 曾與紐約幼青交響樂團演出 巴哈雙簧管與小提琴雙協奏曲 (Bach's Double Concerto for Oboe and Violin )擔任獨奏 ¸目前私授學生與任職紐約幼青交響樂團 .

長笛謝德堅(Kenneth Chia)


畢業於卡內基美隆大學(學士)   印地安那大學音樂研究所 ( 碩士 ), 師事多位長笛泰斗諸如: Thomasm Robertello, Julius Baker, Trygve Peterson, and Laurel Ann Maurer . 其音樂會遍及美國, 台灣, 大陸, 東南亞 英國, 蘇格蘭等各地之著名音樂廳. 曾經擔任協奏曲獨奏家 ,多少與 北美菁英交響樂團 (North America Elite Youth Orchestra).

紐約幼青交響樂團Children’s Orchestra Society)¸  (Youth Orchestra, CYCNY) 皇后交響樂團 (Queens Symphony Orchestra) 合作演出經常與青年鋼琴家蔡耘之 (Winston Choi) 搭配 演出長笛與鋼琴室內樂音樂會, 假紐約卡內基維爾演奏廳(Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall), 以及台灣,  汶萊, 馬來西亞 ,  並出版兩張CD, 含多首中西名曲, 珠江百貨公司代售.  謝氏 向來喜愛, 並以頂尖之技巧 加上 聰慧熱情之詮釋, 演奏當今作曲家作品,  深受聽眾與作曲家们大力讚賞及鼓勵. 目前教學長笛於皇后區教室, 以及 紐約幼青交響樂團,  並擔任該樂團之助理指揮.


鋼琴家Hyunmee Lee


曾就讀及畢業於德國漢諾威音樂與戲劇大學 (Hochschule f. Musik u. Theater Hannove) 和美國茱莉亞音樂學院 (The Juilliard Music School). 鋼琴獨奏與室內樂之演出,  備受德國, 美國 ,芬蘭,  韓國等 各地  聽眾 的熱愛. 年一月, 紐約國際藝術家協會 (New York Artists International)為其舉辦“紐約卡內基維爾演奏廳首次登臺獨奏會” (Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall Debut Concert).  現為紐約幼青交響樂團鋼琴指導教師





Concert PROGRAM in English

 (not in program order):


Alla Gitana by Paul Dukas

Sonata for Flute and Piano by Jindrich Feld

Duo for Flute and Oboe by Alberto Ginastera
Flower Duet from Lakm
é by Leo Delibes
Trio for Flute, Oboe, and Piano by Jean Michel Damase
Trio for Flute, Oboe, and Piano by Madeline Dring




Shirley Chang, Oboe
Shirley Chang graduated with honors from The Johns Hopkins University, with a Bachelor of Art in sociology and a Bachelor of Music from the Peabody Conservatory. She earned her Master of Music and Performance Residency Certificate from Carnegie Mellon University, where she was awarded the School of Music Fellowship under the tutelage of Pittsburgh Symphony principal Cynthia DeAlmeida.  Ms. Chang was principal oboist of The Ohio Light Opera in 2003 and performed with the Pittsburgh Opera Theatre in 2004 for the world premiere of Nathan Davis' jazz opera, Just Above My Head. She had been featured as a soloist with the COS Young Symphonic Ensemble in Bach's Double Concerto for Oboe and Violin. An avid freelancer and chamber musician, she teaches privately and is on faculty at the Children's Orchestra Society.



Kenneth Chia, Flute

Flutist Kenneth Chia holds a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University and a MA from Indiana

University, both in flute performance. He has performed in major concert halls in the U.S, the

Philippines, Taiwan and China, while touring with the Children’s Orchestra Society (COS), the

North American Elite Youth Orchestra and the Youth Orchestra, CYCNY as a principal flutist

and soloist. Mr. Chia was one of the featured soloists in the July 2002 “Rising Star Concert”

with the Queens Symphony Orchestra, under Maestro Arthur Fagen. Last summer, Mr.

Chia was faculty soloist during the Youth Orchestra CYCNY Summer Tour to China and

Taiwan; he also toured with the COS Alumni Orchestra to London and Scotland as principal

flutist. Mr. Chia has received rave reviews as a performer for the Long Island

Composers Alliance and others, and has collaborated with composers such as Michael Dadap,

Martin Kennedy, Avraham Sternklar, Herbert Rothgarber and Jane Leslie. Mr. Chia also performs regularly with COS Faculty.


Mr. Chia, along with pianist Winston Choi, debuted at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in

October 2000. The duo presented a series of concerts in Sabah, Malaysia and Brunei in the

summer of 2001. During that trip, they recorded their first CD together, a collection of works

by both Eastern and Western composers. The duo performed in Kaosiung, Taiwan in

December 2002 and Sabah, Malaysia in January 2003, during which they recorded their

second CD. Both CDs are available at Pearl River Mart department store in New York City.


Mr. Chia was a sectional coach and flute instructor with the Youth Orchestra, CYCNY from

1998 to July 2005, and has been a flute faculty member as well as an Assistant Conductor

with the Children’s Orchestra Society since 2000. He taught master classes at the University of

Malaysia-Kota Kinabalu, Sabah during his tour with Winston Choi in 2001 and was the Flute

Teaching Assistant at the 2000 and 2001 Brevard Music Festivals. Mr. Chia has studied with

Thomas Robertello, Julius Baker, Trygve Peterson, and Laurel Ann Maurer. Mr. Chia also

studied conducting under Maestro Vincent La Selva at The Juilliard School.


Mr. Chia operates a private flute studio in Jamaica Estates, New York. In his spare time, Mr. Chia is an avid practitioner of the martial arts.



Hyunmee Lee has delighted audiences with her solo as well as chamber music performances in major concert halls in Germany, Finland and Korea. Artists International presented her New York debut at Carnegie Weill Recital Hall in January of 2006. Ms. Lee is a graduate of The Juilliard School and Hochschule f. Musik u. Theater Hannover in Germany, and is now on the piano faculty at COS..

