幼獅青少年管弦樂團 2004-05 年度甄試簡章



招考樂器 Instruments:

長笛Flute, 豎笛Clarinet, 雙簧管Oboe, 低音管Bassoon, 小號Trumpet, 法國號Horn, 長號Trombone, 低音
號Tuba, 小提琴Violin, 中提琴Viola, 大提琴Cello, 低音提琴Double Bass, 豎琴Harp, 打擊樂器Percussion

甄試內容 Repertoire: 自選曲一首 ( 無須伴奏 ), 音階 ( 兩個八度 ) 及視奏

One solo piece of your choice (without accompaniment), scales (2 octaves), and sight-reading.

報名費用 Application Fee: 每位十五美元 $15 per applicant

報名及詢問專線 For more information or apply by phone:

(718)834-8904 藝術總監 方秀蓉 Patsy Chen           (718)353-6615 行政總監 翁月燕 Anita Lin

(718)454-7181 行政總監 李媛姿 Rosalind Chia

報名表 Application Form (Please Print)

Name (English and Chinese)                                                                  Instrument

Age           Male      Female           Date of Birth
Phone                                                         E-mail
City                                       State                  Zip
School                                                                           Grade

How long have you been studying this instrument?           Year(s)         Month(s)

Private Lessons (currently)?

   Yes         No        Since                  Name of your teacher:

Are there any other musicians in your family?

    No      Father      Mother      Sister      Brother      Other      What instruments?

Are you currently participating in any other music group? If yes, Which one(s):

Briefly list your musical experiences or achievements:

歡迎贊助 Donation Form

有耕耘才有收穫 , 幼獅在老師家長及朋友們的辛勤耕耘下 , 一株株的小稻苗才漸漸的成長茁壯 . 您的熱情贊助將會如天降甘霖 , 不僅滋潤小小的稻苗 , 更溫暖每個為 幼獅付出的心 . 在收到您的捐款後 , 我們會儘速將收據寄到您府上 . 您的大名將登錄在我們下一場 演奏會節目單的贊助人士裡 , 謝謝!

I would like to support the Youth Orchestra, CYCNY and enclosed is my check of $                     USD
Name: Phone: