2003-2004 NY Concert Series at Merkin Hall
Merkin Concert Hall
Project: Snapshots
Elements Quartet will commission 15 composers who will each write a 2-5 minute
piece inspired by a photo they own. A personal photo is preferred but a photo
in the public domain that has a personal meaning to the composer may also be
used. Like a good snapshot, each selection will capture a fleeting feeling or
moment in time. The photograph will be displayed while the piece is performed,
adding another dimension to the audience's experience of the music and helping
to increase their understanding of the themes or emotions explored in the
piece. Unlike a conventional concert, Snapshots will be presented in a modified
cabaret format. Audience members can attend the first "set" of
pieces, the second or both. In between each set there will be an opportunity
for audience members to purchase light snacks and view the photographs more closely.
Both the setting and the short segment format are designed to appeal to a more
diverse and possibly younger audience. This commissioning project will be an
ongoing signature activity of the quartet, eventually developing a rich and
exciting repertoire of short pieces by a diverse group of contemporary
composers, including some who are not associated with "classical"
is inspired by the personal photographs of composers such as Angelo
Badalamenti, Regina Carter, John Corigliano, Sebastian Currier, Lenny Pickett,
and many others from diverse musical genres. Photographs chosen by each
composer will be projected during Elements Quartet's premiere performance of
'Snapshots' at Merkin Hall in
David Del Tredici - "Innocence"¡P
John Corigliano - "Circa 1909"¡P
Paul Moravec - "Vince and Jan"¡P
Paul Schoenfield - "Cowbird"¡P
HollisTaylor -"
Sebastian Currier - "REM"¡P
Zhou Long - "Gazers"¡P
Chen Yi -"Burning"¡P
Lenny Pickett - "String"¡P
Carlos Sanchez-Gutierrez - "Waves"¡P
Daron Hagen - "Snapshot: Gwen and Earl's Wedding Day,
John Patitucci - "Joan Patitucci"¡P
Angelo Badalamenti - "Snapshot:
Justine Chen - "Ancient Airs and Dances"¡P
Jonathan Sheffer - "25.VI.95"'
is the first in Elements Quartet's new repertoire of dramatic, emotionally
etched shorter works for string quartet. For tickets and information visit
Merkin Hall online or call the box office: 212-501-3330. For more information
on Elements Quartet, visit the web site.